Blueberry Sweetheart
This highbush blueberry can crop twice, with a heavy crop in summer and often a smaller one in autumn. Vaccinium corymbosum Sweetheart® is a medium-sized fruiting shrub with a compact growth-habit suitable for pot culture and ornamental interest from spring to autumn. It produces very sweet, medium-sized, early berries which are rich in vitamins, anthocyanins and antioxidants. The small leaves are mid-green, and turn brilliant shades of red and orange in autumn. Small, urn-shaped white flowers, attractive to pollinators, are borne in April, followed by berries over a long period in late June and July. Blueberry Sweetheart must be grown in acidic soil, or in ericaceous compost in a large container. Do not allow soil or compost to dry out.
Site: ShelteredSoil: Fertile, moist but well-drained, acid soil
Position: Full sun
Pick: June and July
Keep: A few days in the fridge
Hardiness: Very hardy
Pollination: Partially self-fertile, but crops better with a compatible pollination partner
Uses: Eating, preserves, cooking